
Some Highlights from The Event

or, things I learned from planning a surprise party for a seven year old.

My mom called shortly after the party was underway and I was so tired that I could not string together a single coherent sentence (are you reading this 17-year-old Munajat???).  I realized that I had put WAY too much detail into the decor and that I should have paced myself to have more energy for when the girls came over.  Nevertheless, the birthday girl was happy and the day was catastrophe-free; though one guest was unable to come because of course we got hit with a crazy snowstorm that morning (we missed you, Fatima!)   The best part of the Eastern Princess theme was that I could use ANY color and it all worked.  Golds, purples, teals, limes, and of course, the most pink you can find outside of a Pepto-Bismol factory.
 My friend and neighbor was kind enough to loan me some beautiful, long sari fabric to use to drape the ceiling.  I'm proud to say (in case her mother in law is reading this), that I did not make a single hole in the fabric!  The "chandelier" was made with three two-dimensional shapes folded and glued together.  And of course my tissue paper balls - no party is complete without them.

A little seating area for the Eastern Princess
The grand entrance
The party favors: custom made (using my cricut) favor bags, arabesque-shaped chalkboards, and wands.

To be continued... next installment will include the table which, if I do say so myself, looked beautiful.


  1. OH MY GOD!!!
    I just have one thing to say...MY birthday is in May (wink, wink)!

    Just gorgeous, I can't wait for the rest of the pics :D

  2. How pretty!!!! Love the sari fabric draped all around. Did you use the cricut for all the paper projects??? Please tell me how!

    And how did you make the chalkboards in that shape?? Love them.

    Can't wait to see all the rest.
