
The rest of the day....

Today my daughter was flitting about in a nightgown that I made for her a few months ago (if that sentence conjured up images of fairies jumping from flower to flower, you got it just right, that's what she looked like).  I looked up and saw her and cried out with near-physical pain, "I MISS SEWING!!!"
Any of you reading this that find yourselves too busy to craft know that it feels like you're just off somehow.  I didn't realize how time-consuming it would be to go back to work.  I figured being able to craft and blog with a newborn gave me superhuman time management skills.  But it turns out preparing powerpoints are my kryptonite, especially because I follow this guy's presentation style; that means a lot more work and preparation than traditional bullet-points-thrown-up-on-the-screen presentations.  However, I'm not work is so close to my house, that that annoying seatbelt buzzer only goes off ONCE on my drive. (Buckle up kids!)
So I need to figure out some guilt-free way to sneak in some crafting time before some important part of my soul withers like an unnourished sapling.
In the meantime, I continue to milk Thing #2's birthday and stretching out the posts for as long as I can :)
I used this as my agenda for the day, using the pencil transfer technique described here.
Actually just regular popcorn with pink-tinted white chocolate poured over it
I would eat grilled cheese shaped like a cow patty, but the crowns had the girls oohing ... and I was going for "oohs"
These may well have been my favorite things on the table.  I just used a craft punch and toothpicks
Yup, I pulled out the Wilton sprinkles for this.
Don't be impressed, I outsourced the cake
I made a bunch of these for the girls to wave around as they jumped up and yelled Surprise.  Wooden dowels wrapped in shiny ribbon, more ribbon tied and curled on top
IKEA has the best napkin colors!  The holders were made using my cricut...
:( I forgot to take pictures before attaching the sides so I ended up ripping it a bit when I tried to show my steps
Every little girl also got a personalized plate ... do you see now why I only invited five?
SO worth it.


  1. I LOVE your attention to detail :) She'll remember that day forever!! What was her reaction?! You mentioned it was a surprise :D

  2. Ummm... CAAA-YUUUUTE!!!! I want all my sandwiches to be shaped like crowns. Where did you find that cookie cutter? My daughter is freaking out about the pink popcorn. Everything is so pretty and so fun to look at. Such lucky little girls to have been invited. I really need to start using my cricut.

  3. Happy birthday Munajat. I am impressed with your party, I wish I were there :) Love Aunty Gulsum
