

Those of you who know me "for real" (as thing #1 and thing #2 would say) would probably guess that my absence was due to the totally understandable fact that my classes at the college started this Monday. This is my first semester teaching and I've been preparing and over-preparing so that I wouldn't end up like this on my first day:

And though that's definitely ONE reason I haven't been as crafty of late ... the REAL reason is because the little time I do have for crafting has been solely dedicated to a-top-secret-event-that-shall-not-be-named (even the guests have not been told ... only their moms... and they have sworn an oath of secrecy "to the PAIN!" - (any Princess Bride fans?)).
A lot of it has been Cricut stuff, but I'll be sure to share it all in due time.  In the meantime, here's a couple of sneak peeks:
This nearly killed my Cricut and my Kirby Vacuum Cleaner and I'm still not done pulling out all the cutouts!


  1. Salaams Samah

    This is Asma, you know, the person you tried to marry off...(will never let that one go will I?)

    OK, I checked with my mom, she doesn't know anything about this secret event. So, :( does this mean I'm not included? Oh, I get it :), I'll just wait to be surprised.

    In the meantime I'll be dreaming of carriages and enchanted castles and lumiere and pots,, but not the beast, that would be scarry and cruel...

    Ok, enough funny business, hope your event turns out great. Love reading your blog, don't stop!


  2. Samah, I'm not sure publicly posting this "secret event" was a good idea?? I too am expecting an invite now :( how could I possibly miss out on such amazing eye-candy!!!
    Sigh...as I sit and wait...

    But seriously...I can't wait to see pics of the finished product WOWZERS!!

  3. Ha! I love being in on the "secret event". Probably cause I'm not close enough to be invited. I can't wait to see how it turns out. That carriage is amazing.

    I bought a cricut on black friday and I have no idea what to do with it. Stupid shopoholic tendencies. Can't wait for the post that gives me reason not to regret the purchase.
