
A quick word on birthdays

I realized that I forgot to take pictures of the most important parts of the day.  I had asked the guests - in lieu of gifts for Munajat - to bring something really nice to go into a basket for Community Care, a local organization that serves as a food and necessities (clothing, etc...)bank.  They do really amazing work.
So as the girls came in, they dropped off their gifts into a beautifully decorated basket that I explained would be going to CC.  All week I had been reviewing one of my favorite verses from the Qur'an with Munajat, "You cannot achieve true goodness (piety) until you give of what you love." (3:92)  I explained that often we think of charity as our cast-offs and that this verse was teaching us just the opposite.  
I guess it sunk in (alhamdulilah), because when she saw the full basket of little girl's toys, initially her eyes got wide thinking it was for her ... but when I explained the plan to her, she was giddy and actually referenced the verse.  
Later that week I had her come with me to the Community Care center to meet with Marcy, an amazing dynamo of a woman and volunteer coordinator.  She accepted Munajat's gifts gratefully and graciously and took us for a tour of the facility.  I don't know how much Munajat absorbed of the realities we saw (I grew more and more ashamed of my accumulations and avarice as we walked from room to room), but when we got home, she filled up another box of her things to give away being sure to tell me, "I checked to make sure all the pieces were there and that nothing was broken ... and that I loved it" :) :) :)
My son, who had come with us, has been asking me when he'll be old enough to volunteer.

So I know that there are many religious people and people of conscious who feel birthdays are just an exercise in narcissism, but I suppose - like everything - it depends on if you construct them that way.  I was fortunate enought to be able to use this blessed and wonderful day to instruct (myself and) my kids in the virtue of gratitude and the value of friendship.  When I expressed my misgivings to a friend who attended the party with her daughter about throwing the first real party for my kids' birthday, her response was like a balm: "This isn't something you do every day.  You're teaching her the beauty of a grand gesture."
To Donate...


  1. MashaAllah....so beautifully put :) and what a wonderful opportunity to teach them such valuable, lifelong lessons. Good for you and good for all the families who participated in this wonderful, thoughtful gesture!

  2. Samah,Muny,
    I'm so proud of you both the teacher and the student.Allah yraakum.
