
Felt Flowers

Felt really is the unsung hero of the crafting world. It's readily available, doesn't unravel at the edges, and if you ask it nicely, will hold itself together (sounds like a good friend!).
"Bubsie" over at Bubsie's Boutique has a lovely tutorial for making these:
Aren't they purty?
Her tutorial is great and needs no further explanation, but I'm just going to share what I learned so that you don't have to go through the same second degree burns mistakes I did.
First, though I'm usually all for imperfect jobs, it makes a big difference in the final product if you take your time cutting out the circles nicely.  The difference between a hurried, messy job and a carefully done one is about .3 seconds, so it's just not worth the rush.

Second, when she says "a little bit of glue" she means a little bit of glue.  I know, I know, this was REALLY hard for me.  "If a little glue is good, A LOT of glue is ..." well, you get it.  But not here, if you put too much in, it takes longer to dry which means you will spend longer pinching it together thereby increasing your chances of second degree burns ... see below :)   (scared yet?)

Third, try to pinch it so the "top" of the petals are somewhat even.  You'll get this once you start doing it.

Fourth, it is REALLY important to line the tops of the first row of petals with the outside of the big circle, don't worry about the inside of the big circle as much, it will be filled in and is very forgiving, the outside kind of holds a grudge.

Achtung Baby!
Finally, glue guns are hot.  Mine is such a small, humble looking thing that I forget that it can do a lot of damage.  When I made my first one, I didn't follow my own second suggestion and the pool of glue that I used gooshed out through the felt and gave me a nasty burn.  As a result, I am typing with nine fingers.  So be careful.

This is a super duper, low effort, high output craft that would make me want to buy a sweater if I saw it pinned on it in the store.
I am loving red and blue together these days ... maybe it's just the American in me.
Total time to make one (including cutting the circles: 5 minutes)
And don't throw out the scraps!  Remember these flowers that we made with paper?  Turns out you can use the same technique with felt to fantastic results:
Picture = no justice.  You'll just have to take my word for it.


  1. Love these! When I visited my sister up in Washington I made a ton of these. She doesn't have a sewing machine but she did have a glue gun and a ton of felt. It's almost ridiculous how easy they are to make.

  2. Hi there just stopped by to say hello. Your blog is very interesting and I love the tutorials! (I found you on the blogger help page while looking for a way to reply to comments on my blog. Did the solution (of copy and paste the fellows HTML code) work for you?
