
Dangly things... or tissue paper flowers

I want to spend the last ten days of Ramadan out of the craft room, so I've been on double-shifts making stuff for Eid.   I finally figured out how to make those tissue paper pom-poms (mind you, I "figured it out" using a step-by-step Martha tutorial) so seeing as how they are very inexpensive, I will probably make a dozen or so and have them ready to hang up on the night before Eid.  If you want pictures of the steps when I make my next batch, please leave a comment.
It goes from this:

to this:

in about five minutes.  You can see that the one on top turned out a bit better than the one below it.  That was because 1. I had become so much more experienced, and 2. I used fewer sheets of tissue paper (six as opposed to ten).


  1. Gorgeous! Guess less is more in this case too! Love that wonderful sheen on the tissue.

  2. OMG! This sooo reminds me of my childhood :) When I was 5yrs old, my dad taught me how to make these out of white kleenex lol!! I guess no fancy coloured gift tissue back in the day. We made like a hundred and taped them all over the car and drove around town lol! My dad thought it would be fun....IT WAS!!

  3. :) Glad to bring back some good memories. Be sure to check out your pictures in "Guest Posts."

  4. These are great! I love the gold color. Hello from your newest follower :)
