
Icing Even I Can make!

I've already shared my deplorable lack of baking skills, so it should come as no surprise that frosting and icing are thing we just don't discuss in my house. Ask me to construct a life-sized, paper-maiche black hole just don't ask for iced sugar cookies.
But then, as with all life changing moments, it was just a confluence of minor events all led to THIS:
No big deal you say?  Not worthy of a picture -much less a double framed picnik picture- you say?  So, so wrong, I say.  This is a brand new "skill" that so thrilled my daughter, that as she stood by watching me add the stems to the apples declared, "Mama, I'm giving you a new nickname ... from now on, I'm calling you 'Fulla' (Arabian Jasmine)!"
I know, I don't get the connection either, but I'm not about to question a nickname like that.
Anyway, what gave me the courage to finally try making my own icing was 1. My kids needed cookies for a "math party" at school (?), 2. Just that day, I came across this fantastical website with beautiful recipe cards, ermm, I mean, recipes for sugar cookies and icing, 3. I happen to have all the ingredients on hand, and 4. I needed to practice before THE BIG DAY (less than a month now).

If this is what mine turned out looking like on the first try, made in a hurry, just imagine how good they'd look with a steady hand and the right amount of icing sugar (I just dumped whatever I had in the bag).
So do yourself a good turn and check out Mycomputerismycanvas's recipe (and recipe cards) for sugar cookies and icing.  Frankly, she deserves a spot on my prayer list for this.  
Oh, and please, no comments on the health dangers of corn syrup.  Seriously, these are SUGAR cookies.  They're not meant to be healthy.

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