
Dollar Store Cake Dome

Sometimes you make (or buy) a nice big cake that deserves a regular size cake dome.  Sometimes you make a lot of cookies that you can pile up high and also deserve a regular size cake dome. 
But sometimes, you grab a cookie every time you walk by them and by the time company comes you only have a few sad remains of the cornicupia you had hoped to offer them and putting the cake dome on top only screams your guilt and cheapness:
pathetic, right?
Okay, dollar store to the rescue!  Now those of you who have heard me go on my anti-dollar store rants, don't cry fie.  This is not hypocrisy.  Repeat after me: it is okay to go to the dollar store to buy what you were going to buy from a regular store anyway.  My quarrel is not with thrift, but with buying unnecessary items just because they are cheap.
Now, where was I...Right! okay, so now that you have my permission (collective sigh of relief .... was that eye-rolling I caught? ) head to the dollar store and pick up a glass cereal bowl and some sort of knob.  The only criteria is that it have a flat top (which becomes the bottom).  I used an actual knob because I found two for about a buck, but get crafty, you can use a number of other things
Decorate the bowl however you like: glass etching, use a paint pen, decoupage, etc...  I happened to have these vintage Parisian label stickers just lying around (hehehe) and since I still love (almost all) things French despite their stupid headscarf ban, I slapped it on and sealed it with modpodge.  Then I hot glue gunned the knob right to the top (obviously without the screw) and ... voila!:
You would never know that most of your intended iced brownie buttons with crushed peppermints ended up as two hours on my treadmill!

Note: Many readers have suggested an alternative to glue-gunning; for extra security, try crazy glue, gorilla glue, repair putty, or silicone.  


  1. I really love it,good job the best part is the dollarama store

  2. This is so clever! What a simple solution.

  3. Very creative!!! Thanks for sharing.

  4. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this. Will glue from a glue gun really hold this knob on permanently? Is there something stronger than hot glue that can be used on glass to seal the knob on the bowl? I guess I am suppressing a bad memory of a disastrous glue gun foil.
    The last thing I want happening is for the knob to pull apart from the bowl and the bowl go crashing to the ground or crashing onto the cake platter on which it sits.

  5. @Julie
    Thanks for the love, Julie :)
    Darlene and Chris, thanks for stopping in and leaving a comment.
    Julie, good point re: possible glue gun fiasco.  I have to say that when i hold it, I dont rely solely on the knob, but lift the bowl as well.  Having said that, it feels pretty safe if only because the bowl is really light.  I suppose you could always use epoxy or crazy glue ... If it can hold up a construction worker by his hard hat surely it can handle an itty bitty cupcake dome!

  6. Silicone. Use something that's designed to bond to glass.

  7. this is so cute! I would never have thought of this. Go you! popping by from Made by You Mondays

  8. Very clever . . . I love it!!!

    Following you from Tutorial Tuesday . . . look forward to checking out the rest of your blog :)

    Have an awesome day . . . Gina
    . . . and many more blogs!!

  9. It is a fabulous idea!!
    I use E6000 for my serious gluing needs!!!

  10. Love it gonna make a cpl. different sizes of cereal bowls. Will use E-6000. Because I used glue gun on bird feeders made of saucer and cup fell ( broken glass) a definite mess it was. Will post pics soon as I get em done......
    Can't wait!!! Love
