
Leg Warmers are Back!

Remember Olivia Newton John prancing around in those things?  No?  Well, the image is seared into my head for some reason.
Anyhow, I've been seeing them make a comeback but this time I'm seeing them cover chubby baby thighs.  These are great for cooler weather and they are FANTASTIC for diaper changes.  Because you don't have to pull them down, they can stay on those chubby thighs during the detox process!
I'm sure there are a bunch of tutorials online, but it's pretty self-explanatory ... which is why I follow these words with a mini-tutorial :).
You can use any knit knee highs.  Cut off the curved parts and you'll end up with a long tube and a much shorter tube (the straight part from the foot)

See that little tube?  You're going to make it smaller by folding it inside itself, with the right side out

Put the long tube inside this tube lining up all the edges

Sew up all the three layers

Operation Chubby Thigh Warmer complete: ready to dance, 80s style!
These are really easy to make.  The ones above are made in white, but I made a bunch more with crazy argyle, striped, and polka-dotted patterns and colors.

1 comment:

  1. Love leg warmers! I EC'd the NanoBot, but then ended up cloth diapering for a bit, which meant...ACCIDENTS!!! They were a huge help at the time, but are high on the cute factor any (c)old day.
    I made them with DaddyBoy's discarded socks - yay for recycling!
    Great tute :)
