
Capelet and Beret Day

What would you say if I told you that in one day you could make an adorable capelet and beret with minimal sewing and no pattern to purchase?  That's what I said!
But, thanks to Disney (no, not that Disney) at Ruffles and Stuff and Martha (as in MARTHA) I am blowing on my fingers with a pretty smug smirk on my face right now
I stuck to Disney's tutorial to make the outer shell, but went rogue and decided to line it with some jaunty corduroy to make it a bit warmer ... and jauntier
Martha's beret tutorial was even easier and turned out just as she promised:
And now we're ready for a fall stroll somewhere whimsical and crisp:
It kind of looks like a beanie in this shot. But that's what happens when the photographer is also the stylist and she's trying not to get her hand in the frame
These are two really well done tutorials that are incredibly satisfying to pull off.  You will feel like a Parisian French Draper when you're through.

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