
Oprah hacker desk calendar

Though I don't watch Oprah, I do look forward to her "Favorite Things" lists.  Who wouldn't want a random stranger picking out things that they are supposed to love?  What I look forward to even more is that moment where I peruse the list and find something that makes me say, "I can make that!"
So it was with these beauties from Dempsey and Carroll:
Granted, they are beautiful in all their understated ecru glory, but did you notice the price tag?  So, I'm not going to claim that mine are a perfect replica, but I'm quite happy with how they turned out:
Why these are better:
$5.00 as opposed to $125.00 (plus shipping)
You can personalize to your hearts content:
And, well, mostly that's it.  But these were really fun to make and I'm going to fiddle with them a bit more.
I just used picnik to make them and imported calendars from the Microsoft word calendar template.  That center fade out you see is not flash, but an effect you can choose.  I only had to set it once and then just kept cutting/copying/pasting the new months' info.  Getting the first letter just right turned out to be more headache then it was worth, so I think my next batch will just have a design element embossed on top (embossing powder and embossing gun).
As for the easel, that's just this little guy from Office Depot:

You can spray paint him gold if your heart desires.  I just threaded ribbon through the thoughtfully placed holes in the front. 

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