
Magnetic Bookmarks with File Folders

After a six hour trip home from the Berkshires last week, I made a bleary-eyed stop at the last Joann's before the US/Canada border (sniff).  I usually go aisle to aisle and wait for inspiration to strike.  (That's why I don't advise following me too closely with your cart ... I'm prone to sudden and dramatic stops).  This time, I could barely muster the enthusiasm required for a perusal of the dollar bins.  But muster I did.  And though I've walked by these file folders
That's .33 per folder, 8 bookmarks per folder = 4.something/bookmark!

a million times, it hit me that I could use the spine of these to make bookmarks.  I need these bookmarks all over my house because once I made one for one child, everyone in the house seemed to feel entitled to several for all books being read at any given time.
 "Laziness is the mother of invention" bookmarks:
File Folders (cheap ones, put away your Vera Bradleys and Cavellinis for something REALLY important)
Roll of adhesive magnet (or sheet, but the roll is easier to work with - and cheaper ... dollar store cheaper)
Paper Cutter
Embellishment (optional)
Book to mark :)
In keeping with the laziness theme, I'm going to "mime" the instructions with self-explanatory pictures:

Me again, I suggest adhering the first magnet piece, then setting the other one on top to make sure you've got some attraction (insert arranged marriage joke here), and then adhere it to the top by removing the white backing and pressing the top down.
All done!  In about 10 minutes, you can make a bunch.  I added the little shiny embellishment because the first time I made these, my son suggested that I improve on the next batch by adding something that would tell you which side of the magnet you were on.  ("It would just save SO much time," he said)

I've also made them with curved corners which I think give a bit more polish, don't you?
As for the rest of the folder, I certainly won't let it go to waste (perish the thought, this is a family-friendly blog!), I'll just have to go to sleep thinking about it and "let my brain work like sixty" until I come up with something.

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