
Mirror Mobile

I've noticed that most mobiles seem to be made to look pretty from our perspective, but leave little more than a profile for their real audience.   My littlest one likes to spend a few minutes in her crib before she calls us, so I thought I'd make her a little "thank you" present.

You'll need:
A few of  the paper daisies I made here
Two dowels or a branch from which to hang mobile
Small mirrors (Michael's carries these)
Glue gun
Embroidery Thread: for each flower, three short pieces: each the length of the mirror's circumference plus 4 inches and one longer piece to hang from the dowels (various lengths; go long and then trim down)

Run a line of glue across the back of the mirror

Center one of the pieces of thread and press it down firmly into the glue.  You will want the glue to goosh (yes, that's a technical term) around it

Repeat with the other two pieces

Now make a big ole' pile of glue in the middle of the mirror and squish the daisy right on top of it.  Again, you are aiming for a great deal of gooshing to make sure it is sitting in the glue before it dries

Fish up the ends of the thread (you should have six ends), and tie the opposite pairs together in a tight double knot.  Do the first pair and the second and stop
Lay the long piece across the top of the daisy and tie up the last knot over it

Trim all the excess threads on the shorter lengths and repeat the above for all your daisies

Cross your dowels and glue them together.  Wrap thread around the middle in an X pattern and leave the length you want to hang the dowels from the ceiling (I distressed my dowels with a brown stamp pad)

Using your long threads, arrange the daisies as you wish and make a knot when you have a length your happy with.  Put a dab of glue where you want it to sit on the dowel and set it in place

If I've explained things properly, you should now have a mobile that it ready to hang up from the ceiling

and looks even better from below

The judges weigh in...
Unadulterated awe and appreciation!


  1. Hi, I just saw you on Skip to My Lou and absolutely love your project! So, so pretty~

  2. @Etcetorize
    Thanks! Glad you stopped by. I'm going to go drool over your etsy page now :)!

  3. That's so adorable. Such a cute idea.

  4. This is a beautiful idea! Couldn't you see a cluster of these flowers hung around a light as a chandelier of some kind? Ooooo. :-)

  5. Hi Sammarei , I found your blog through and just loved this idea... I have used this idea in a different manner.I have linked back to you. Hope thats ok.
    Please let me know what you think of my twist :)
    Take care

  6. WOW!! It is so rare to see a parent (or anyone) who can see the world from the baby's perspective! I love this craft and I especially love your first paragraph. What a lucky girl to have such a responsive and insightful mommy!

  7. @Emily
    Thanks Emily! I knew my inability to progress beyond infancy would come in handy some day ;)
