
Paste Waste No More

Who uses tomato paste?  Okay, hands down.  Now, who uses one or two tablespoons of tomato paste and ends up throwing out the can two weeks later when it has started to froth over and developed primitive speech?
You will erect a mini tomato paste blob in my honor!
After years of accumulated guilt, a lightbulb finally went off.
Parchment Paper + Small Tray + Freezer = Happy Dance.
I flash froze tablespoon-sized lumps of paste and then popped them in a little ziploc bag.  Not only did I not have to cry over spilt paste, but the next time I need said paste, I just toss one or two of them into the pot.
Brilliant?  Or Genius?  You decide.
(Sorry, no pictures, inspiration struck so fast I didn't have time to pause to record for posterity ... this post will have to do!)


  1. Hey
    I am so thrifty I have been putting mine in small containers and freezing for years. but I hear they now sell paste in a tube that you can squeeze out the amount you need? When i find out what store has it? I will let you know.

  2. Please do! The great thing about the ziplocs is that I can fit about 6 tablespoons in one bag that lays flat in my freezer.

  3. You can pour oil over the top of the paste too to keep it fresh - a little trick I learned from hubby [but don't tell him, lol].

    1. Do you just pour it over the paste while it's in the can?
