
This is unbelievable ... history before our eyes

My son is home sick from school today and I had planned to make flubber with him ... instead, we are glued to Al Jazeera's live feed watching the country of my birth witness revolution.

For those uninterested (!) and/or can tear your eyes away, here's a recipe for flubber that I've used and has worked beautifully:

1/2 cup water
1/2 cup glue
(optional) food coloring

1/2 cup water
2 tablespoons Borax (found in any detergent aisle)

Mix water and glue and (separately) water with Borax.  Add glue mix to Borax mix stirring constantly.  If you've never seen it and don't know what it is supposed to look like: it clumps up quickly, and is a mix of liquid and solid.  You should be able to sort of pour and stretch it but then if it is in a bowl and you punch it, it's solid.  Just trust me, your kids will love it!
Not my shot...from Otto's Mom Blogs, just so you know what it's supposed to look like

1 comment:

  1. Definitely history in the making...isn't it funny just how many events of our time will be huge historical facts of the future?

    I was going to make some play dough for my art class this weekend, but I think I'm going to make flubber instead! Thank you for the recipe.
