
Minibook step by step pictures

Figure out what you want the bottom to be and fold in half horizontally,
making sure to make a sharp crease in both directions

With the card folded in half, make score lines at 3", 6", and 9",
fold on score lines back and forth
This is what it should look like
Unfold it and then fold it vertically ...
Cut along the center score line just until the perpendicular score line
Fold down horizontally again and you should have this
Push it together and bend it so that your desired cover is in the front
You should now have a six page piece of fun
You may find - especially with heavier cardstock that your edges don't align after the first fold, that's fine.  But if it bothers you, you can trim off the pieces that stick out.  Or, what I did, was after folding everything and making the creases nice and sharp, I stuck some glue tape in between the page edges.

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