
"I'm gonna hug you and kiss you and love you forever (and never use you up)"

Elephants don't get their rightful due in the realm of children's paraphernalia.  We laud mice (whose droppings carry a deadly virus), bears (who will sooner eat you than invite you in for honey), even pigs (aside from all the scriptural evidence - I just find them gross).  But hey, I don't judge, you want your kids attached to these predators, no problem.  As for me, I'm sticking with elephants.  Elegant, sweet, slow-blinking ... these guys will never forget your birthday or anniversary.   And don't flood the comment box (actually, do flood my comments box :)) telling me that elephants can trample you as soon as paint you a picture with their tail, I know it.  But love makes us blind.  And I love me some elephant.
This is Ella, and I love her
Aside from how adorable Ella is, she is also very easy to make.  I followed the instructions in a fantastic book I found at the library:
That's Ella's flamboyant sister from Jersey, Snella

Just three pieces for the body and another four for the ears.  The only modifications I made were to add a little bell in the belly with the stuffing to get some auditory reward going and some chip wrapper in the ears so they make a nice crunchy sound when they're bitten.
I have to admit, it's rough seeing my handiwork used as a chewtoy for a teething baby, but isn't that the definition of love?

1 comment:

  1. Yours in my favorite blog right now... Thank you so much for your effort, time and humor!
