
Have Eid, Will Travel ...

The Eid countdown has officially begun at our house.  The calendar is covered in stars, suhur is starting to get very sketchy (Cinnamon Toast Crunch anyone), and the Quran recitations are drawing to a close.  It sounds trite, but it surprises me every year how fast the month flies by.

In our continuing mission to infuse Eid with our own blend of the unique and traditional, a group of us is doing something that I think will make the day after Eid super special.  A very creative friend used the inspiration of the "back-home" tradition of visitations to come up with the idea of a Traveling Eid Party.  In many places in the Muslim world, particularly on the greater Eid, the three days of celebration are divided up with the first day's visits going to family (above and below ground), the next day to friends, and the third ... I can't remember.  Everyone opens up their homes and you end up staying for a short time at a number of different places.  I used to think there was some sort of magical quantam physics that made it all work without planning or coordinating, but apparently, it does happen that you go to visit someone and they are out visiting someone else.  So... NEXT!
What Zakia (see creative friend above) did through the marvels of modern communication was to send out feelers to see who and how many were interested about two weeks before Eid.  From there, everyone volunteered their homes (or a park nearby) where the revelers would all come during a designated time: around 30 minute intervals.  The host is only asked to provide one small item or treat for the gift bag and some small snacks for the kids to munch on while there.  Then, hasta luego; onwards to the next house for more of the same.  As it's our first time doing it, I'm sure there'll be some kinks to work out.  I also envision a lot of vehicular musical chairs which should be fun in itself.  One of the neatest parts is that the travel time will count as part of the party (I hope).  Also, no one family has the burden of hosting all day all by themselves.  In typical me fashion, I chose to be the first house so that once my slot is over, I can just enjoy the rest of the day.  (Any participants reading this: of course it is also because I live the furthest away - that is a totally legit reason for me to call FIRST)
Would love to know if anyone else is doing anything like this and hear about any variations, improvements, or suggestions.  Will let you know how it goes for us.
In the meantime, please keep my family and community in your prayers during these next blessed nights.


  1. Eid Mubarak, hope your well insha'Allah. Miss your posts ��

  2. We do something similiar but its not as organised as yours.
