
Gumball "Machine"

Despite what my family, close friends, enemies who know me well, neighbors, postmistress, librarian, and pharmacist would tell you, I don't like to brag.  But of all the preparations and decorations I made/bought for the kids' Candyland themed party (pictures pending ... ahem, "Z"), the gumball machine begs to be bragged about.
Equally proud was I of my son who - as soon as he saw it - nonchalantly remarked, 'Oh, neat, Mama, you made it out of X, Y, and Z' (suspense is the better part of valour, you'll find out soon enough).
See if you can deconstruct it as quickly as my eight year old did.  I swear crafting runs through that boys veins.

Here are the pieces (all from the dollar store or the floor of my garage):
A terracotta pot with it's matching base
A round glass bowl.
And, um, that's it.
(I used E-6000 adhesive because I learned here that glue guns are not as serious about adhering as their name suggests.)

By turning the pot upside down and giving it a hearty coat of Watermelon Red, it became almost unrecognizable.  The base of the planter becomes the removable lid.  And the cap off a bottle of bubbles I found became the top doo-hicky.

If I had thought of this earlier, I probably would have made a hundred and handed them out as party favors (smaller sizes though).  Lucky for me and the parents of our guest, I only thought of these on my penultimate trip to the dollar store before the party.
If you are an overachiever, you can always print off a little "metal" clip art to stick to the front.  I am not an overachiever, so I did not.


  1. Mash'Allah I love your creativity!!

  2. looks fantastic ...what a clever chickadeee you are.
    Sherrie from Simpleliving :)

  3. Samah, you're a genius. I wonder what all Dawoud
    churns out, with all that crafting in his veins. And I wonder WHERE he got it.


  4. @Sherrie
    Thanks Sherrie!
    Meanwhile, it looks like you are single-handedly reversing all the planetary damage we've all been doing!

  5. This is great! I would have never thought to use that stuff to make it.

  6. OMG! this is great! I have to try it! gum machine! gum machine! :D

  7. I saw this on Cut Out + Keep. I think it's awesome and very creative. I'll have to try this!!

  8. So cute!! And E-6000, that stuff is awesome. Stinky, yet awesome.

  9. Oops, meant to add that I also came here through CO+K.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Saw this on Cut Out & Keep, love it :) I shared it on my Facebook group, I hope this is ok. You can take a look here ^_^
