
True Appreciation

After the graciousness my kids' teachers showed in receiving their cake pops (yes, Azra, they were duds), I felt I owed them a real appreciation gift for Teacher's Week.
If you haven't noticed by now, I love post-its.  Every time I open a new package I can almost smell the promise of an organized, productive life.  Once a task is written on a post-it, you might as well consider it done around my house (which probably explains why there are so many unfinished tasks).
In other news, our local Office Depot is going out of business.  I'm a Staples girl myself, so I was only mildly heartbroken and not above going in to pick the bones of the place.   I found these sign holders (Slanted Vertical Sign Holders, thankyouverymuch!) for less than a dollar each and bought a bunch not really knowing why:
I don't endorse Amber or even know if she exists
So this is where my impulse purchase meets my love of post-its.  I cut a piece of scrapbook paper that went with the post-its I had on hand and stuck it where Amber put her bizarrely coiffed model. If you want to be really neat, you can actually print out your message, stick it on top of the scrapbook paper (you'll remove it later) and then go over it with your paint markers.  I just freestyled.
Then, using my Terrifically Tacky double sided-tape (sheesh, when did I sell-out to corporate, name-brand overlords?  I'm not even getting commission!), I stuck my post-it pad centered on the frame.
I think that just about covers it, don't you teachers?
I used a bit of the scrap to make a ribbon which is actually not just decorative.  I don't know why they've made the new post-its so they don't come off the pad in the straight sober way they used to. All the pads on the market now come out so jauntily and disorganized.  So there's no longer any real top and bottom.  All this tomfoolery means that without that demure little strip the pad would look like Alice in Wonderland's  pop-up book by the time it got to the teacher.
(Robert Sabuda is a genius)
And methinks that would express about as much appreciation as the fake grass I used to cover up the styrofoam cake-pop holder being strewn all over the gym and school hallway.
But I digress.
Of course you could do all your writing/decorating on the inner paper itself instead of using paint pens as I did.  I just liked the added dimension of writing on the actual frame - it also ensures they are stuck with the gift forever and can never EVER recycle it for another purpose or -perish the thought- regift it.
Don't worry, the stamp is only on the first page.  How obnoxious do you think I am?!
And speaking of post-its, look at this. It must have taken HOURS:

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