
Back with a Glittery Vengeance!

I cannot believe how long it's been since I posted!  That's what a three-week long vigil at the computer during the Egyptian revolution, handing out and grading midterms, and travelling to California and back will do to a girl.*

And speaking of travelling to California (see above), I've discovered there are hazards to moving to Canada as an adult.  Namely, forgetting about that diabolical "black ice" Canadians are so fond of.  Seriously, how was I supposed to expect that the parking lot of the shi-shi hotel a friend took me to last night was now an unmarked ice rink?  I was wearing boots (yes, sensible ones, not cute ones), took one step, and WHOOOOSH, side planted right on my hip.  The only saving grace was that my friend said I fell more gracefully than she'd ever seen - apparently, I looked like I was curtsying!
And as my life flashed before my eyes, I realized that my little blog would end right there in the parking lot and there was so much more crafting to be done and shared!  So, I'm back with a little something I've prepared for the kids spring break craft list:

It's always a toss-up whether to do crafts like this alone and present them with pomp and trumpeters to my admiring fans, or to allow said fans behind the curtain to participate in the creation.
I have to admit to craving the oohs and ahhs after my bruised hip/ego, so I snuck it in during a few minutes of alone time.

From "The Ultimate Book of Kid Concoctions"
Glitter Tubes
Sealable Tubes
Light Corn Syrup
Glue Gun (Recommended)

I used the tubes that the Super Glue from the Dollar Store come in because I like the size and shape.  I'm still on the hunt for something longer and rounder on the edges.  Any suggestions? 

Fill up the tube 3/4 of the with the corn syrup, add water and glitter/confetti leaving just a smidge of breathing room on top.

Depending on your tube lid, you may want to seal it with a glue gun if it is not an airtight seal.  That is unless of course you want glittery corn syrup all over your house/car/kids' hands.  Hey, it's a free country, and I don't judge.

That's it, decorate it as you see fit, and your kids' hero for a few minutes.
Of course what the picture doesn't capture is the delay that the corn syrup causes.  So that when you flip it upside down the glitter just sloooooowly works it's way down/up like a lava lamp.

* Not to mention that although the Egyptian Revolution is technically over, there is still a lot of unrest in Egypt.  More urgently, the situation in Libya is unfolding into a Rwandan-level massacre before our eyes and the world seems to be doing nothing about it (again).  My husband actually lost an old friend who had moved back there a few years ago.  This man was killed be a mercenary as he was coming to the aid of an injured man.  Each will get justice, but it's been hard to focus on anything but lately.
However, I won't derail the post doing was al-Jazeera does so much better.


  1. Sorry to hear about the loss of your husband's friend - inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajioon.

    Hope your hip is not punishing you for being negligent. I slipped on ice a few weeks ago myself, and although I can't testify to the my-life-flashing-before-my-eyes thing, I do recall laughing hysterically at my (maddeningly unsuccessful) attempts to get up.

    And yes, sweet craft!

  2. YOU CAME TO CALI AND DIDN'T TELL ME!?!? (Yes, I'm yelling! lol) I've been wondering where you have been and you were right here all along? Oh well... next time!

    It's good to have you back! Just might have to try those glitter tubes. They look like fun.

    I'm sorry to hear about your husband's friend. May Allah have mercy on his soul and grant him Jennah.

    And Alhamdulilah 'a Salamtik!
