
Single Sheet Mini-books

I think we are hard-wired to love little things. Years ago, I taught first grade in Maadi, Egypt. After class one day, one of my little guys came up to me looking around furtively to make sure everyone else was out before he shared his innermost thoughts. "Miss," he said, "I think I love Noha." After I swallowed down my smile, I engaged him as seriously as I could and asked little Casanova about his love.
Why did he think he loved her? Now, this Noha in question was absolutely lovable in every way. Not only was she beautiful with milk chocolate doe-eyes and strawberry blond curls, a smile that could generate power to a whole city block ... she was also sweet as could be and the top student in her grade. But after thinking about it for a few minutes, looking out the window, eyebrows lowered in concentration, he finally decided that it was: "because she's so ... SMALL!"
There you have it. I've seen successful relationships built on less.
Anyway, Ayman was just being true to his species. We love little things. It explains why we keep babies even after a 3 hour crying jag and don't just send them packing. It explains puppies, and cupcakes, and Ipods, and Ipads. It also explains (wooooo, smooooth transition):

I made a bunch of these for my son who - with his friends - is always making "books". Now, please put your impressed faces away. Whenever he makes them, he always asks me how much they could go for on the black market.
Once he saw the first one, he asked if I could "mass produce" them for his under-writers. Luckily, they are sub-easy to make, and each one is made with only a single piece of 12X12 paper.
Six pages not including the front and back
The one on the left is with cardstock, on the right with normal weight paper.  I would suggest making a few with the latter as it is easier to work with
Depending on how you fold it, you will get two "secret pockets".  For an eight year old boy with pirate's sense of adventure, a secret pocket is a MUST.

This is pretty straightforward, and doesn't require a tutorial, per se, but there is one VERY important strategic snip you have to make to give you six pages - otherwise, you'll just end up with four. 
I'll post a picture depicting this tomorrow.
I'm curious to see what uses you can think of for these.  They are so easy, you can use them for card-making, invites, cheat sheets for school, mini-albums, etc...
(Maryam, I want to see something in my mailbox made with one of these!)

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