
Call Me Ishmael*

Since I started visiting craft blogs, there has been one project on my to-do list that has always taunted me, seeming to draw me in with its ease and at the same time repel me with its unfathomably professional-looking results.  I present to you, my White Whale*
The Land of Nod inspired Floor Cushion by Living with Punks
As much as I've been wanting to make this, and as great as the tutorial was, I just couldn't wrap my head around sewing a circular edge to a flat edge (twice!).  So tonight, apropos to nothing, I decided to make a small model using scrap fabric to see if this feat could be accomplished:

TaDa!  My very own version of the floor cushion.  Because it was just a test run, I didn't bother with the contrasting piping, or the handle...

...or the human size :).  But it worked!  It turns out you can sew a circle to a rectangle.  Now I have the nerve to use some heavy duty fabric and pull out the piping.  In the meantime, all is not lost; Little One grabbed it, went right over to her ceremonial headstand spot and showed my how perfectly-sized my prototype was

Who am I to say that spending her free time upside down is abnormal?
I'll be sure to post how the "real" floor cushions turn out.  In the meantime, check out the tutorial at Living with Punks and give it a go.

(*pretentious Moby Dick references to show that I am not one-dimensional)


  1. Soak it in tea and Moby Dick could even use it for spa-treating his eyes! Gorgeous (and such a great head-stand accessory!!)

  2. Hi, love your blog! You left a comment on mine asking where you could find the metal photo holders that I used on a project. Just wanted to let you know I got them from a friend that sells them, but I think they can be found at craft stores. If you want to contact her, you can a post from her on my Facebook page here

    Her name is Cheme Erickson. You can click on her name on the post and send her a message.

    Hope that helps! :)

