
Leave your books hangin'

Did you know that publishers pay big bucks for bookstores to put their books in prominant locations: that glorious front table that you see right when you walk in for example.  This is because spines don't sell.  They want their product face out in full display.
The same goes for kids and books.  A row of spines is just not enticing.  This is why I've been seeing a lot more of these lately

Well, a four month old doesn't need that many books on display, so I made a little mini-version of my own.

Initially, I thought to use double drapery brackets.  But when I saw that they were priced at close to 40 dollars, I thought again.  These little guys that you see in the picture are drapery holdbacks and run for about 6 dollars.  40 ... 6 ... 40 ... 6, hmmm, that's a tough one.

So again, as doablilty is queen in my crafting world, this was super easy.
I took two rectangles of equal size in coordinating fabric.  The measurements will vary, I based mine on the length of the dowel x enough for two rod pockets and the actual sling part (and I wanted it short so that short books would show)
Then I ironed on some interfacing in the middle of the rectangles (on the wrong side)

Sewed rectangles together, right sides facing, leaving about a five inch opening for turning.  Trimmed the seams and clipped the corners

Turned it inside out and ironed the edges, folding under the open seam

Top stitched around the whole rectangle (which will now be double-sided with two pieces of interfacing in the middle) enclosing that open seam

Then I laid one of the dowels along the long edge and roll the fabric around it till it was covered and gave myself a smidge extra to leave room for sewing

I would suggest you pin it to mark its spot.  In other words, do as I say, not as I did.  Pull the dowel out and stitch along the marked spot.  Do the same on the other side and put the dowels back in

By this time, you will have put up your holdbacks - hookside down, not to the side as they're intended.  Drop your sling in adjusting it as needed to sit how you want

I used my sharpie marker to color the exposed dowels, but I'm not crazy about the hot pink taking over the more subdued colors of the fabric.  I'll probably do something else later, but it's good enough for now.
I plan on using this to keep a changing display out of the main book collection.  If you wanted to display more, you could make a series of these along the wall.

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