
Puffy Paint Pictures

~Update: In giving more details to a friend, I realized I didn't mention something we learned the hard way: be sure to use thick paper (like medium to heavyweight cardstock) so that the paintings don't warp as they dry.

I forget that kids don't need to do something entirely new for every craft.  Sometimes you can pull out an oldie and they are still thrilled by it.  Case in point: homemade puffy paint.

2/3 cup water
2/3 cup flour
2/3 cup salt
Tempera Paint or Food Coloring

Mix the first three ingredients together, the mix will be thick. Add a few drops at a time of tempera paint or food coloring (I used icing coloring, it is more vibrant)

Now, the hardest part of this is getting the mix into squeeze bottles.  I got mine at Michael's, but you can use old condiment bottles as well.  It takes a funnel, a skewer, and some little elbow grease to get it in:

I had printed out some pictures from Marcel's Crafts

and after almost an hour (!) of this:

and this:

we got this:

What doesn't come out in the picture is the shimmer that forms from the salt crystals as the water evaporates.


  1. I must try this! What happens to the left over paint, though?

  2. We usually just keep going until the paint is used up. You can always just lower the amount and keep it proportional. Have fun!

  3. Wow, who woulda thunk. That is amazing the puffy paint can come from all of that. I love any kind of kid friendly project that keeps them busy for that long. We'll definitely be giving this a try.
